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 Personal Qualities

      In the first place, I would say I’m a good listener and if necessary, I will talk. When I hear someone talking, I respect that persons opinions and thoughts . In return I would like people to respect me equally. At the same time, I trust that person. I would like to say I’m trustworthy, fair, empathetic, courageous, good adviser,  and responsible. Based on what I can do or  have done, I have pride, self esteem, and self management even sociability from myself and others . That’s because, when I do something, I do it with  all my heart and that makes it worthy . I always want to see the result and want to finish it first. When I do something wrong I learn from my mistake and take full responsibility of what I have done so that in the future I can do better.  

 New Basics

        English is my second language, my native language is Mongolian.  I have been learning English for three years and I can understand and respond. During the past three years, I have also learned Spanish. Although I can’t respond to questions or speak, I can write and read. I like to read and I would like to learn about things that I don’t know. I like to read literature and poems, and sometimes I  even write poems. When I read them, I always want to know deeper meaning and I annotate . When I write I usually write what pops in my head, and then I clear them out and add more sentences.  I also enjoy math, even when I fail, because I try to figure out what I did wrong. I work on them untill I get them. Usually I listen really carefully, even when I’m in a group of people I listen to them and then I talk. Because I get more ideas and then I find a solution. I like to speak, but first I write it down then

talk. It makes me more organized and sound professional. Also, I like art, it makes me think deeply and others makes me be creative. After all I like sports, and am always exercising after work during my free time.          

 Thinking and Reasoning Skills

        I think everybody has their own way to learn. I usually sit down, think and make a list of what I finished or still need to be worked on. When I am learning new words I use cards and two cups. For example; One is Cup A and the other is Cup B. I put new words in cup A and when I memorize it I put it in cup B. Also I like creating things on my own such as furniture, clothes, etc. I even try to be creative on my homework or other work. At the same time I think a lot and see how things are created/work. When I try to make decisions or need to solve a problem, I always do one thing. That is talk to someone that is close to me, and share my opinion and listen to that person’s advice as well. And I think carefully then I make my decision.

 Interpersonal and Collaborative Abillity

        As a group member, I want to be fair and I want to be the leader of the group. When we separate the work, I take my work seriously and I work hard. When my group meets I am not afraid to share my ideas and my opinion as well. I also talk enthusiastically with my group members in order to encourage them. That makes me do the work. Besides, other learners do not understand I am happy to help. But for me, I expect good work from myself and good work from others as well. We will communicate and focus together for complite many tasks as a group. With our collaboartion we will achive a better tomorrow together. Being tohether we can get over some tough situation and tasks. 


        I believe that everyone can work on computers. I’m good at using google docs and other software, and I know where the things are like tools and equipment. I usually use google docs, spreadsheets and prezi those three is the most weapon that protects me and fight with my advercity. But I really didn’t learn computer systems, programming, or advanced things like that. I am not gonna say I understand them or I know them like a computer engineer but I do know basic skills that will help me to complete my work. If I am having trouble with my computer I search how to solve the problem and I watch videos that show me. In the future, I will improve my technology skills on computers and understand the software I am working with.

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